20th December 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

As this long term draws to a close, I wanted to write and share some fantastic news with you all. School performance tables have been released this week and we are ranked 7th in Stockport out of 111 schools! As you can see below, for children achieving the higher standard we are ranked 1st out of 111 schools in Stockport! 

This is a fantastic achievement and I hope you will proudly share this news within the local community. Nearly half our pupils last year left achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths at 43%. I know league tables are not the only indicator a school is measured by but these will go a long way to evidencing the development of the school in the last few years. We are incredibly proud of the children who have achieved this accolade and are determined that standards will be maintained in future years.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the journey: the Education Learning Trust, governors, staff and of course pupils. Also to yourselves as parents for supporting your children and being part of the journey of development.

The last two weeks have been a busy yet memorable time in school with many highlights including our KS2 Carol Service, KS1 nativity, Nursery/Reception singalongs, parties and finally on Wednesday our visit to the pantomime. Also many thanks to the Friends of Bredbury Green for the Christmas Fair, which raised approximately £1500 for school, a great achievement. 

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy all the festivities and look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 6th January 2025!

Kind regards,

Helen Moorcroft


Source: Compare school and college performance in England https://search.app/gb33yGYuGx8672fe7

Source: Compare school and college performance in England https://search.app/V9FKXkeddyGZFsDp8