The Leading Parent Partnership Award gives schools a coherent framework to deliver effective parental engagement from early years to post-16.

Through this award, schools can meet a number of longer term success criteria, such as improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour and increased parental involvement in school life.

Bredbury Green Primary School began its journey to achieving the award in January 2019. So far, we have held a parent voice meeting every half term. Parents have had a chance to be a part of:

  • Self-evaluation of the school against the LPPA criteria
  • Development of the new Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy
  • Transition arrangements for the next school year
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of school’s communication and identifying the most useful methods for parents
  • We have also worked hard with parents to re-establish a series of events that welcome parents into the school to become part of their child’s daily school life.

There has also been a focus on encouraging the school community to unite in partnership with Friends of Bredbury Green. These events have included:

  • KS1 parents coming to have lunch with their children
  • Stay and play sessions run throughout all year groups in school with a focus on English and Maths
  • Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea
  • Spring into Action morning
  • Fish and Chip Bingo

We look forward to these events continuing in partnership with parents and welcome you all to contribute through our Parent Voice sessions. Please contact Miss Byrnes if you have any questions or queries.

LPPA Documents

© Copyright 2019–2025 Bredbury Green Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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