Signpost Young Carers


Signpost Young Carers is part of the independent charity, Signpost for Carers which was established in 1986. Signpost Young Carers is the part of the service that supports children from the age of 6 and young adults up the age of 25.




A Young Carer is a child or young adult who spends time looking after or helping a member of their family who because of an illness or disability, mental health problem or drug and alcohol issue is unable to take care of everyday tasks themselves without some help.


The help they may give could be shopping, making meals, doing the laundry, or perhaps helping out with some nursing care, e.g.; giving medication or supporting someone up and down stairs or in and out of bed etc.


For more information please visit signpost for carers website;


We have recently been awarded Bronze for the Young Carers in Schools Award!

Young Carers

© Copyright 2019–2025 Bredbury Green Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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