Safeguarding the children at Bredbury Green Primary is everyone's responsibility, and all staff receive annual training. The designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) role is jointly held by Mrs Moorcroft, Miss Cuttress and Mrs Goodall.

We will always welcome you to contact us should you have any worries, concerns or are experiencing challenges in school or at home. Any change in circumstances, no matter how small can influence the children in school. School staff are here to support both you and your child.

All information will of course be treated confidentially unless there is concern over child safety.

As a member of the public, if you have a safeguarding concern for a child, you can make a referral yourself using the Stockport referral service: click here 

Please see the policy below which outlines procedures and relevant statutory documentation in relation to safeguarding children.




© Copyright 2019–2025 Bredbury Green Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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