4th November 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,
It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. As I write this now I can hear some very excited children thoroughly enjoying the Halloween disco! I wanted to update you on a couple of things happening this half term.

Wraparound Care
I have secured some funding from the Local Authority to support us in beginning an After School Club. As more parents are working, it has become a necessity for all schools to provide this service. I am trying to recruit staff at the moment to run our club so it could begin this half term. If this is something you are interested in please follow the link to the adverts on our school website:
If you would like to have an informal conversation about the vacancies please feel free to contact me at school. If childcare would be an issue that is something we could discuss.
Please note: Breakfast Club will continue as usual.

Ormerod Close Cars
I have received notification from residents that more cars are using the Close for drop off and pick up. Cars are not allowed in the Close (except residents), you need to park up and walk to the school gate. Enforcement officers will be issuing tickets so please abide by the signage. 

Christmas Events
As we approach the Christmas period, I wanted to confirm dates for events etc. to give you as much notice as possible. Please see below:

Tuesday 12th November

Y6 Class Assembly


9.15am School Hall

Thursday 14th November

FOBG Meeting

9.05am School Hall

Wednesday 20th November

How To Help Your Child At Home with Maths


3.30pm School Hall/Classrooms

Tuesday 26th November

Y5 Class Assembly


9.15am School Hall

Wednesday 4th December

(NEW event)

Y3 and Y4 Rewind Christmas Event

1:15pm Hatherlow, George Lane

Wednesday 11th December

Nursery Christmas Singalong



Thursday 12th December

(NEW date)



LKS2 Advent Celebration

UKS2 Advent Celebration


Hatherlow Church or School Hall 6.00pm (LKS2)

7.15pm (UKS2)


Friday 13th December

KS1 Christmas Performance


9.30am and 2:00pm School Hall

Wednesday 18th December

Children’s Christmas Treat Pantomime

(EY, KS1 and KS2)



Romiley Forum


Thursday 19th December

Reception Christmas Singalong



w/c 16th December

Christmas Parties


Details to follow from Class Teachers

End of Term – Friday 20th December


Kind regards

Helen Moorcroft
