Bredbury Green Primary School

Curriculum Overview – Year 1


Autumn Term


Spring Term


Summer Term






Class Texts

Grandad’s Secret Giant

The Storm Whale

The Tiger who Came to Tea

Picasso’s Trousers

The very Hungry Caterpillar

Izzy Gizmo

Burglar Bill

The Lighthouse keepers lunch

David Attenborough-big dreans little people.


 Animals including Humans

 Seasonal changes


Everyday Materials

Animals including Humans


Victorian Christmas

Florence Nightingale/Mary Seacole

LS Lowry


Processes: 7 continents, 5 oceans and 4 seasons

Environment: Geographical skills and fieldwork

Place: Local Geography


Who is a Christian and what do they believe?

What makes some places sacred?

How and why do we celebrate special places and sacred times?

What does it mean to belong to a faith community?


Andy Goldsworthy- Sculpture

Pablo Picasso- Painting, pattern, colour and shape.

Lowry- Line drawing/pencil


Rhythm and Composition

Ensemble voice – Christmas songs

Playing and Performing

 Musical Interpretation

Design and Technology

Mechanisms- levers, pulleys and creating a mechanical Ferris Wheel

Jamacian food tasting 

Lowry Structures


Technology around us

Digitial Painting

Moving a robot

Grouping Data

Digitial Writing

Programming Animations



Fundamental Movements: Gymnastics

Fundamental Skills: Running and Movement


 Fundamental Movements: Dance

Fundamental Skills: Throwing and Catching


 Fundamental Skills: Invasion Games

Fundamental Skills: Athletics




Mental Health

Does everyone feel the same things at the same time?

How can I manage my big feelings, including those about change and loss?

Celebrating differences

Why is Bluey important?

What does it mean to be different?

 Economic wellbeing

What does British money look like?

Is having more money better?


How can I look after the environment?

How can I be a good friend?

Safety and relationships

What are the scientific names for body parts?

Which situations do I need to seek help for?

Healthy lifestyle

Which foods support good health?

How does physical activity help us stay healthy?

Enrichment Opportunities


Mosque trip

RHS Garden Bridgewater Trip  

Walk of Bredbury to look at human and physical features




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Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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