English Communication And Languages Intent 

Our intent is to provide all children with an inspiring, powerful and exceptional English curriculum. We know that English is the foundation for all learning and is integral to children’s understanding and enjoyment of the wider curriculum. We appreciate the power of literature, how it can shape lives, change experiences, open doors and alter mind-sets. With a true, embedded love of English, we are providing learners with the tools to succeed in any path they choose beyond primary education.

Spoken language, reading and writing are intrinsically linked and The English Cycle promotes links between these different areas and promoted connectivity for lasting retention.

From EYFS to Year 6, phonics is the foundation on which our children are able to successfully develop their understanding of spoken language, reading fluency, vocabulary and writing. Our Reading Framework outlines our current program of study.

We inspire a systematic love of reading through exposure to a range of powerful and diverse texts, specifically curated to broaden experiential understanding, linguistic capital and exposure to worlds beyond those in which our children live. Each class regularly listens to their ‘class reader’ with teachers as experts in spoken language; modelling tone, expression, pace and intonation. Alongside this, children are encouraged to further their love of reading at home and provide feedback to staff around vocabulary, genre and fluency.



Throughout KS2, children are progressively developing their understanding and fluency in written and spoken forms of Spanish. As children become familiar with vocabulary and structure, they build confidence in holding conversations with their peers and continue improving their accuracy of pronunciation.

Links to the wider curriculum are provided through deeper study into Spanish speaking countries such as those within South America. The ancient civilization History studies also allow children to delve into the origins of languages that link to modern Spanish.

Opportunities to master the language further are provided through a Spanish club, where children are exposed to the culture, structures that are more difficult and a specialist teacher.

© Copyright 2019–2025 Bredbury Green Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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