Welcome to Bredbury Green Primary School.

It is my 6th year at the school and during this time there has been significant change. In our most recent Ofsted (June 2024) we received a grading of 'Good' overall and also 'Good' in each of the five key areas. The children are the best thing about our school, and provide us with plenty of reasons to come to work each day. The staff are fully committed to our journey and we all share the same core moral purpose which we have developed together: ‘To inspire and empower children in a supportive and inclusive environment creating self-belief, independence and respect.’

Recently, I was asked what the best thing about our school was. There are many wonderful things I could talk about but these are my top three:

  • I have to put the staff team up there. Without their care and commitment for our children and families Bredbury Green would not be the place it is. They have shown considerable determination in the last few years to improve things at the school and I know that they, as am I, are incredibly proud of the place it now is.
  • Our curriculum: something we have developed with all stakeholders and which really encompasses what our children need. It has been designed with the school vision (to inspire and empower) at the core. It now reflects the school’s context and our ambition for our children.
  • I have to put outcomes in my top three as these are now a true reflection of the school’s journey. Our published data from Summer 2024 shows we are above national standards, but also that outcomes in some cases are more than double the national. Reading, Writing and Maths in Year 6 at the expected standard was 83% compared to the national standard of 61%. For the greater depth standard we achieved 43% compared to the national standard of 8%.

In recently published League Tables (December 2023) we have been ranked 8th out of 107 schools in Stockport, an achievement I am very proud of.

The children bring something new to school every day, and as educators we must be prepared for this. They are incredibly ambitious for our school and as one Year 1 child said to me during my first ever assembly at Bredbury Green, “We want to be the best school, not only in Stockport but England!”

As you can see, not only do staff have high aspirations for our children, they have high aspirations for themselves and what they can achieve.

I have been welcomed to Bredbury Green by the whole community. Our parents and carers are incredibly supportive of the school, and our Parent Voice and Friends of Bredbury Green meetings are well attended. This is essential, as we believe that parents should have a voice and contribute towards our school aims and ambitions.

As part of a Multi Academy Trust, we are fortunate to be able to work in close partnership with other schools within the Education Learning Trust. Gatley Primary, Meadowbank Primary, The Kingsway School and Werneth School provide us with supportive colleagues, which allows us to develop good practice together. This is a great opportunity for us to use expertise from other settings in order to achieve our full potential.

You will always receive a warm welcome from everyone here and I look forward to seeing you. Please come and visit us!

Helen Moorcroft


© Copyright 2019–2025 Bredbury Green Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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